Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's Been a Long, Long Time

I haven't posted in right around nine months.  I have thought about it often, but just haven't been able to get my thoughts together long enough to put them down.

Things have changed around here.  I'm working full-time (over full-time actually) and not getting to stay home and be a good little house wife.  I miss my family.  I miss my friends.  I miss my dogs.  I even miss cooking, cleaning, and getting the laundry done.  This got me thinking... when I was home, I felt like all I did was cook, clean, and laundry.  I wanted a job and to contribute to our family, pay bills, and take some stress of the hubby.  Now, I feel like I can't contribute to home life as much as I would like.  The grass is always greener.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with this blog, but it is uplifting, thought provoking, and definitely worth reading.  When I read this particular post, I was completely blown away.  It hit home, was perfect timing, and just what I was needing.  It seems to me that being thankful is equally about being optimistic and seeing the good instead of dwelling on the bad.  I am thankful for my life.  I am thankful for a wonderful loving family, friends, and dogs.  We have a roof over our head and can pay our bills.  I have a job where I am able to help people every day.  My new goal is to express my thanks more often, whenever and where ever I can.

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around." - Willie Nelson